Diarmuid O'Connor

Inis Offshore Wind

Inis Offshore Wind is a renewable energy firm working towards a sustainable future for Ireland. With a number of potential projects off the Irish coast, Inis Offshore works closely with local communities, marine users and key stakeholders, to maximise the positive impact of their projects.
Developing, constructing and maintaining an offshore wind farm is a lengthy and detailed process. To help Inis Offshore communicate this to the public effectively, we created an illustrated, interactive map.
The project involved taking complex machinery, such as a jackup vessel, and rendering it in a manner which would be accessible to the public. Motion was then introduced to further illustrate the purpose of each object. The illustration style of simplified geometric forms, blocks of the colour and thin lines, fit neatly within the Inis Offshore brand, and provided a structured but flexible system from which a multitude of objects could be created.


Creative Direction